Phone: +254741726968
Karen Connections, Office number 10&11, Lower Plains Road

Fields of Expertise

Why Choose Us

E-CUE has chosen to insure itself for Profes­sional Indemnity, thus ensuring that the provided services will be useful and fruitful to our clients.
We have developed a broad network of experts that in­cludes universities, scientists of various fields and research centres in Kenya

Environmental & Social Impact Assessment

Environmental & Social Impact Assessment has traditionally been one of the significant services offered by our company. Numerous Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIA) have been conducted by our team of experts for both the public and private sectors. We work mainly in infrastructure projects such as Roads, Built Environment, Aviation, Water and Sanitation, Irrigation and Energy sectors.

Environmental Health and Safety

Conducting an environmental audit (EA) is no longer an option but a sound precaution and a proactive measure in today’s heavily regulated environment. Environmental Audit plays a crucial role in encouraging systematic incorporation of environmental perspectives into many aspects of an organization’s overall operation. At E-CUE ASSOCIATES, we recognize that environmental health and safety is a critical area in the development and operations across all industry types.

Natural Resource Management

Sustainable management and wise use of land, animals and plant resources, water, soil has been recognized as the most predictable way of guaranteeing that these resources remain productive now and into the future. Within our network is a pool of natural resource management experts who have years of experience in natural resources research, planning and management; monitoring and evaluation. These include wildlife experts, forestry experts, fisheries experts, range management experts, agriculture experts, mining experts and wetlands and land use experts.

Resettlement Action Plans

Development continues to be an area where we have been in­volved and where our level of expertise has been constantly improving. We are actively involved in RAP preparations for infrastructure projects in Kenya.
At E-CUE ASSOCIATES, we have experience with different types of Resettlement Action Plans such as Rural, Urban, Linear and Site-specific Resettlement Action plans