Phone: +254741726968
Karen Connections, Office number 10&11, Lower Plains Road

Our Projects

E Cue Associates
Water and Sanitation

Water & Sanitization Projects

Project Name Narrative Description of Project and Work Performed Name(s) of Client Year Completed
Kwale County Water Master Plan Consultancy services for the development of Kwale County Water Master Plan Kwale County Government 2018
Uasin Gishu County Integrated Sanitation Management Plan Consultancy services for the development of Uasin Gishu County Integrated Sanitation Management Plan Uasin Gishu County Government 2017
Embakasi- Utawala- Mihango-Ruai Water Distribution Network Design of the Embakasi (Zone 10S) Water Distribution Network to cover Mihango, Ruai and Ngundu based on the availability of water from Embakasi Reservoir and its capacity to meet the future (year 2035) water demand Seureca International/ Athi Water Services Board 2017
Development of South Lokichar Development Project Integrated Waste Management Concept Study on establishing a waste management strategy and identify the requirements and constraints for developing dedicated waste facilities for the oil field development within the Lokichar Basin Tullow Oil Kenya BV 2016
Integrated Urban Water Management (IUWM) Project ESIA and environmental management for the project under the Nairobi Metropolitan Services Improvement Project (NaMSIP). It involves a number of sub-projects under the Integrated Urban Water Management (IUWM) for the Nairobi Metropolitan Region. The projects include Roof Catchment, Stormwater Storage & Urban Parks, Stormwater Storage & Urban Agriculture, Disaster Management & Firefighting Strategies, and Reclamation of Wastewater & Land application of Sludge Egis Eau / Directorate of Nairobi Metropolitan Development (DoNMED) 2015
Kachok Waste Disposal site Environmental audit for decommissioning of Kachok Waste disposal site. County Government of Kisumu and KUP 2015
Lower Ewaso Nyiro Multipurpose Dam Project ESIA for the proposed construction and operations of a cascade of three (3) dams on the Lower Ewaso Nyiro River and associated power productions systems, power transmission and irrigation scheme AbdulMullick Associates / Ewaso Nyiro South Development Authority (ENSDA) 2012